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September 15, 2016

Never Underestimate the Power of "Thank You"

Can we agree on a Fundamental Truth about Human Nature?

In my experience, I have witnessed over and over the simple power of "thank you". Good will, trust and respect are fragile things - hard to win but easy to lose. All the countless hours and resources spent on developing sophisticated plans to secure these simple commodities are a waste if "thank you" isn't part of the effort.

Much can be forgiven in an organization if demonstrations of gratitude and recognition are sincerely communicated when deserved. The old school of thought reflected in "they should be happy to have a job" will not hack it today if an organization is serious about keeping high quality, experienced and skilled workers. It is no longer valid that leadership doesn't need to acknowledge the worker's basic need for recognition. It doesn't have to be extravagant or a "big deal", it just needs to be sincere.

Group recognition has its merits, but I submit that individual recognition is far more powerful and lasts longer in the mind of who is receiving it. In person presentations of recognition along with a certificate commemorating the event often means more to the individual than a $100 gift card given impersonally by someone in an ivory tower somewhere. The truth is, most people just want to know how they are making a contribution to the big picture and if that contribution is appreciated.

When was the last time you sincerely thanked someone for the job they do?

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